The importance of building technology is growing – QMG is one of its motors

QMG, or Quattro Mikenti Group, is one of Finland’s leading building technology companies. The importance of building technology is growing and QMG is one of the driving forces behind this growth.

We are part of the Nordic Nimlas Group, which was formed in summer 2021. In Sweden, Nimlas is represented by our sister company Sandbäckens. The QMG group consists of several dozen local companies that carry out building engineering projects, contracting and maintenance services. Together, the companies employ more than 1200 building technology professionals and cover the whole of Finland, both geographically and in terms of building technologies.

QMG is growing strongly, both in companies and through acquisitions, and this has been noted with appreciation by Nimlas. For the good progress we owe a big thank you to all our 1200 employees, customers, and partners. During and after the summer, we have been joined by Mesiel Oy in Kokkola, the Pohjois-Suomen Tekniikkapalvelu team in Oulu and Turku, Mikkelin Sähköasennus, Automation T&N in Vaasa and Kristiinankaupunki, and the JTL-Building Services team, which will be merged with Hausmatic. A warm welcome to all!

And now a few reflections on industry phenomena.

Intelligent building technology is moving forward at a fast pace. My own perspective on building technology has been formed through electricity and automation – during my studies I programmed code for automation solutions for a paper machine company, among other things. The progress since those days has been tremendous in both industrial and building automation. For us, it offers a lot of opportunities, as many of our companies do building automation.

Building engineering is also playing a growing role in promoting energy efficiency and low carbon. The information gathered from building technology systems helps to manage real estate assets more efficiently. Building conditions are controlled centrally and in real time based on operational data. For users, it brings a whole new level of comfort and safety.

These developments have turned building services professionals – project managers, installers, maintenance and support staff – into green transition executors. Every electric vehicle charging point, solar panel, heat recovery system or maintained and upgraded nerve centre installed on the ground floor of an apartment building reduces the environmental impact of the buildings.

Building technology has become an important competence and we should work more closely with other actors in the building sector. Therefore QMG is one of the main partners in the long-term Building Technology 2030 programme, which will strengthen the reputation of the whole sector. Our aim is to demonstrate that QMG is a forward-looking workplace that brings professionals together.

Kimmo Liukkonen

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