JoiN the experts

Want to Work In technical installations?

QMG’s success is based on people, who are experts in their occupations and always inspired by their work. The group’s companies across Finland employ engineers and technicians in projects and services for electrical, water and sanitation, cooling and refrigeration, sustainable energy, ventilation, automation and safety solutions.

We publish open jobs on this website (mostly in Finnish). In addition, we publish them in other recruitment channels depending on the needs of local companies and regions as well as the requirements of specific tasks. You may also contact local companies directly, because many of them are right now looking for new candidates.

You may also apply for any open vacancies in our companies by filling out the form below.

Open jobs

Open application

Read the stories of our people

From automation programmer to project manager

Automation is the future and there are plenty of jobs in the field, Erika Rousu’s…

Henkilö seisoo valkoisen auton edessä.

Studying gave new perspectives to an experienced professional

Mikenti Oy Jypro employs 50 people in Leppävirta and Jyväskylä. Petri Pajunen, the company’s HVAC…

Jesse Harmainen graduated as an HVAC engineer while also working

Jesse Harmainen, foreman at Vesijohtoliike J. Laitinen, graduated from vocational school as a plumber already…

Are you interested in QMG as an employer?

Send us an email and tell us about your wishes regarding your internship or employment.