New Managing Directors for LVI-Trio and Ilmastointi-Mikenti

In the Helsinki region, LVI-Trio is the QMG’s largest provider of service business, and Ilmastointi-Mikenti is particularly strong in large ventilation and energy efficiency projects. From 1 April, 2024, both companies will get new leaders, when Janne Korhonen will start as the Managing Director of LVI-Trio and Sakari Voutilainen will take on a similar role in Ilmastointi-Mikenti.

Janne Korhonen is a long-time installations professional who started in the group in August 2016, and in May 2017 he was appointed Managing Director of Ilmastointi-Mikenti. Since June 2023, in addition to his own duties, he has been leading LVI-Trio’s service contracting. Sakari Voutilainen has worked as project manager in Ilmastointi-Mikenti since March 2020. Pekka Pöykkö, who is responsible for QMG’s service business, acted as interim CEO of LVI-Trio from June 8, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

LVI-Trio is an even stronger service company

– LVI-Trio has gone through an important change process since the summer, when we sold our line renovation business and focused on heating and sanitation and ventilation maintenance, repair services and service contracting. Our biggest customers are municipalities and organisations that use their properties, as well as large property owners on the corporate side, Janne Korhonen says.

– We see that the new strategy works. We have won extension periods for framework contracts for maintenance and repair services, and completely new contracts have been added to our portfolio. At the moment, there are almost 100,000 rental apartments in the capital region covered by our contracts for heating and sanitation, ventilation and repair services, Korhonen states.

Energy efficiency is Ilmastointi-Mikenti’s speciality

Ilmastointi-Mikenti focuses on energy efficiency projects and ventilation projects as well as strengthening its service contracting. Geothermal projects are also an interesting growth area. The company’s key customers include public sector, construction companies and consulting firms. The offices are located in Vantaa and Forssa, so projects are implemented in a wide area across southern Finland.

– We strengthen our partnership with construction firms and compete for those public sector projects that suit our expertise. Our recent important projects include Kilteri school in Vantaa, Kauriala school in Hämeenlinna as well as Tilkanmäki campus, Longinoja daycare center and WoodCity2 office building in Helsinki, says Sakari Voutilainen, Ilmastointi-Mikenti’s new Managing Director.

– Professionally, a very interesting project was also the renovation of Pickala Golf’s Golfkartano property in Siuntio. We were the only contractor that was able to offer and implement a demanding project with our own special solution, which saved the customer a considerable amount of money, Voutilainen comments.

In 2023, LVI-Trio reached a turnover of almost 21 million euros, and it employs approximately 120 installations and maintenance professionals. Ilmastointi-Mikenti had a turnover of 4.6 million euros.

Further information:

Pekka Pöykkö, Managing Director, QMG Partners Oy,, +358 50 432 4822

Janne Korhonen, Managing Director, LVI-Trio Oy,, +358 50 352 8720

Sakari Voutilainen, Managing Director, Ilmastointi-Mikenti Oy,, +358 44 300 1227


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