Tokmanni logistics centre

Kuusitunturi Lahti installed electricity for Tokmanni’s new logistics centre in Mäntsälä. The project will be completed in two parts. When completed, the building will strengthen Tokmanni’s supply chain and centralise warehousing.

ContractorFira Oy
QMG subsidiary Kuusi­tunturi Lahti Oy
Surface area55,000 square meter
Services Electrical contracting


Tokmanni’s new logistics centre is built in Mäntsälä, close to the company’s current administration and logistics centre. When completed, the building will streamline Tokmanni’s supply chain and centralise warehousing. Kuusitunturi Lahti is responsible for electrical contracting.

Construction of new logistics centre started at Kapuli industrial area in June 2022 and the first completed part of the building was handed over to the client in April 2023. The entire property will be completed by the end of 2023. Commissioning of the facilities in two parts brings its own challenges for builders.

Both parts of the property have the same electrical and telecommunications systems. They must work properly on the first completed and occupied part when cables are only installed behind the wall. The same applies to the fire alarm system, which works with sampling detectors. Similarly, the framing construction is also carried out in two parts. Due to that, it has not been possible to cast the floor at one time, which affects scheduling of the electrical installations.

According to Kuusitunturi Lahti’s Project Manager Timo Mäkinen, the height of the logistics centre is also exceptional.

– Practically all the installation work is done standing up on smaller or larger cranes. On the building site, this means a working day for the electricians at 14 meters, from which they only come down during breaks. Scissor crane also sways a little, so it is not exactly an average installation site, Mäkinen says.

Juha Kosonen, Managing Director of Kuusitunturi Lahti, is pleased with the Tokmanni contract.

– We have plenty of experience in dealing with diverse and demanding customer projects. It is also great to be involved in a major project for Tokmanni, which is significant for us both in terms of its duration and scope.

On average, eight Kuusitunturi Lahti electricians have worked on the project. At most there have been twenty of them on the site. In the preliminary stages of the project, additional workforce was provided by sister company Quattroservices, whose electricians were on loan from Pirkanmaa office. The main contractor on site is Fira Oy.

When it is a question of a large-scale property, a lot of electrical equipment is installed. In the finished logistics centre, you will find, among other things:

  • 100 km telecommunication cables and 100 km group cables
  • 10 km power tracks and 10 km cable channels
  • 1,000 joint boxes and 2,000 lamps and light fixtures
  • 3 ventilation machine spaces

(Article was written in April 2023)

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