Mikko Virtanen becomes Managing Director of Mikenti Talotekniikka

Mikko Virtanen has been appointed Managing Director of Mikenti Talotekniikka Oy in the QMG Group as of 1 January 2022. He has previously served as the company’s Director of Electrical Contracting.
When Mikko Virtanen takes over as Managing Director, Antti Rantala will take over as Head of Electrical Inspection. Virtanen and Rantala were long-time entrepreneurs at Web Sähkö, which joined Mikenti Talotekniikka through an acquisition in summer 2020. The experienced Marko Pärssinen will continue as Head of HVAC Contracting.
Mikenti Talotekniikka offers complete building engineering contracting for new apartment buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The company employs around 50 professionals and had a turnover of EUR 10.9 million in 2020. The outlook for next year is positive.
– The complete building engineering concept is working. For customers, the model is clear in terms of responsibility – through one contact person and one contract, we manage the whole project. Our order book for 2022 is good and we have been able to recruit more key people. However, there are openings for experienced installers, as our business is growing, says Virtanen.
Mikko Virtanen stresses the need for contractors to develop their operating models.
– I personally believe in taking care of the staff, because in building engineering contracting, competitiveness is determined by giving installers the opportunity to succeed in their work. That is why we are constantly developing the division of labour between supervisors, installer group supervisors and installers, so that we always do high-quality work and the work feels rewarding for the professionals. We listen to new ideas and build a good framework for profitable contracting, says Virtanen.
Mikko Sahikallio has been the Managing Director of Mikenti Talotekniikka. As QMG Group’s Regional Manager for Central Finland, his roster includes Mikenti Talotekniikka, Ajansähkö, JP-Yhtiöt, Kuusitunturi Lahti, Quattroservices Kaakkois-Suomi, Quattroservices Tampere and Mikenti Oy Jypro, where he is also the Managing Director.
– The Group is building significant growth through acquisitions in Central Finland, and this requires time and resources from me. It is a good time to transfer the lead responsibility for Mikenti Talotekniika to Mikko Virtanen and the company’s strong management team, Sahikallio says.
For more information:
Mikko Virtanen, Managing Director, Mikenti Talotekniikka Oy, mikko.virtanen@qmg.fi, +358 40 576 3323
Mikko Sahikallio, Regional Director, QMG Central Finland, mikko.sahikallio@qmg.fi, +358 50 477 0707.