Studying gave new perspectives to an experienced professional

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Mikenti Oy Jypro employs 50 people in Leppävirta and Jyväskylä. Petri Pajunen, the company’s HVAC contracting manager, is responsible for looking after the company’s HVAC department as a whole, and to support his responsibilities Petri recently completed his studies as an HVAC engineer. It was a significant effort, but in hindsight, time flew by.

From Juva to Helsinki, or flexibly remotely

Although Petri himself lives in Juva, studying at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Myllypuro, Helsinki, was no problem. Although there was no compulsory face-to-face teaching in the HVAC engineer multi-disciplinary studies, the Friday afternoons that were allocated for teaching attracted students nonetheless – sometimes on-site in Helsinki, sometimes remotely.

To complete 240 credits in four years while working, motivation has to be strong. You have to be prepared to sacrifice free time. Petri felt that he received valuable support from the other students on the course, despite the pandemic at the time and the leap towards remote learning.

– The fact that I have been in the industry for a long time also helped a lot, Petri adds.

Studying while working is A hard effort, but worth it

It’s not unusual for young people to be swept away by working life before they have time to devote a single thought for further studies. This is what happened to Petri, and soon entrepreneurship came into the picture.

Over time, Petri saw his children go to school and further their education. The idea of studying on his own began to take root. Working life is a constant learning process, and Petri wanted his studies to support his practical skills.

– Above all, studying was a way of investing in my own skills and creating added value for myself and for my own work, Petri sums up.

The training also provided an important insight into how the younger generation sees the building services sector and what expectations they have of working life in general.

Studying while working brought almost immediate benefits to Petri’s work. During his studies, it was possible to gain a broader understanding of the direction in which the whole sector is developing. New perspectives were offered, especially on the environment, energy efficiency and sustainability, which was particularly important in the building services sector. Petri has been able to use the material and knowledge from his studies in the company, helping to improve operations.

– The training also provided an important insight into how the younger generation sees the building services sector and their expectations of working life in general. This is important to understand in order to create attractive jobs in the future, Petri analyses.

Mikenti Oy Jypro will continue to encourage people to study

Petri’s study career has been rewarding. Graduating as a HVAC engineer at this stage of his career is a different trajectory than it would have been, for example, a couple decades ago, but all the same – studying strengthens skills.

– Success feels good, of course, and adds to the feeling that anything is possible when you commit to your goals. Perhaps I will continue my studies at some point. You never know, Petri grins.

Within Mikenti Oy Jypro, interest in studying alongside work has raised its head; one IV fitter has already started similar multi-disciplinary studies in Mikkeli. Petri’s message to those considering studying while working is clear:

– If you have the enthusiasm, go for it!

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