Puhdas Ilma K&V merges with LVI-Trio

Ilmanvaihto LVI-Trio

LVI-Trio will grow when Puhdas Ilma K&V becomes part of the Trio from 1.11.2022. Puhdas Ilma K&V has a special expertise in ventilation maintenance and repair work, as well as air condition cleaning, which has been part of Trio’s service portfolio. In addition, prior to the merger, both companies were already part of the QMG Partners service network.

Martti Saarnio, Managing Director of LVI-Trio, has also been Managing Director of Puhdas Ilma K&V since April 2021, so the merger is a natural fit.

– It is a pleasure to have the ventilation experts of both companies under one roof. Under Trio’s leadership, Puhdas Ilma K&V has been managed for a year and a half with the common goal of a happy workplace, and the work has paid off,” says Martti Saarnio.

The services of Puhdas Ilma K&V will further strengthen Trio’s ventilation-related service portfolio. The addition of 13 installers and two supervisors to Trio’s ventilation side is significant. The merger will enable both customers to be served more comprehensively.

– The increase in the number of specialists at Trio will be reflected in the opportunity to serve customers better. We will also be able to share responsibilities between our employees in a new way, and at the same time further streamline cooperation between the areas of responsibility, from installers to supervisors,” Saarnio adds. 


In addition to the merger, Trio will also undergo another major change in the autumn, moving to new, larger premises in Elannontie, Vantaa. In addition, the merger will result in the formation of a new business unit for Trion’s ventilation operations, with Janne Louho taking over responsibility for the unit. 

– Janne’s elevation to the position of business manager of the ventilation unit is a natural move and brings a sense of security to the company’s management – Janne has things under control. In addition, our new premises in Elannontie are uniform and in a great location, which will make our day-to-day operations and logistics much easier,” says Saarnio.

For more information:

Martti Saarnio, Managing Director, LVI-Trio Oy, +358 400 617 913, martti.saarnio@lvi-trio.fi


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