Media, Marketing and Communi­cations

Please contact us if you are looking for an interviewee, information or material about QMG, Nimlas Group or any of the companies in the group. Similarly, if you would like to offer advertising space, for example.

Media contact persons

QMG’s spokespersons in Finland are the members of the Group Management Team and the Managing Directors of our subsidiaries.

We are happy to arrange interviews, meetings, and photo shoots. In these cases please contact our Communications and Marketing Manager Anna Simula:, +358 40 544 4865.

Marketing contact information

Advertising and marketing activities are the responsibility of the Managing Directors of each company. If you are looking for the right person in a particular area, you can use the Find a contractor search.

Media contact information in Sweden

For more information about QMG’s parent company Nimlas Group or our sister company Sandbäckens, please contact the Communications Director directly: