Quattroservices involved in the building services engineering alliance for the Laakso Joint Hospital project

Laakso's new main building (Architectural visualisation: Laakson LATU)

Havainnekuva Laakson päärakennuksesta, vasemmalla Reijolankatu. Havainnekuva: Laakson LATU.

In May, Quattroservices has signed an alliance agreement for the building services subcontracting alliance for the Laakso Joint Hospital project. Two new hospital buildings will be built in the Laakso area of Helsinki and two listed buildings will be renovated.

The main alliance for the project consists of SRV Rakennus Oy, the project designers, and a real estate company formed by HUS and the City of Helsinki. In addition, the alliance has formed subcontracting alliances with the project’s infrastructure and building services contractors. In addition to Quattroservices, the building services subcontracting alliance for the plumbing, electrical and sprinkler work includes two other operators.

The project will be completed in 2030 and the main building, equivalent in size to more than five Oodi central libraries, will provide psychiatric and somatic care. A second new building will be built to provide psychiatric care for children and adolescents. In addition, two listed hospital buildings dating from the turn of the 1920s and 1930s in the Laakso area will be renovated. As part of the project, a new building for forensic psychiatric care will be built in Mäntsälä, Southern Finland.

The development phases of the building services and subcontracting alliance contracts, signed in May, for the underground facilities, site works and the main building will continue until the end of autumn. The aim is then to move on to the implementation phase.

Kimmo Lehtonen, Managing Director of Quattroservices, is pleased to, once again, be involved in the giant project that is starting in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

– This is an important project for us. The implementation phase will be commissioned separately at a later stage and its scope and exact value will only be specified when the order is placed. However, according to current information, the value of our contract for the implementation phase will be around three times higher than, for example, the new T2 terminal at Helsinki-Vantaa airport. We have been there for the last few years with good success, working with SRV on the airport redevelopment.

Laakso’s new main building (Architectural visualisation: Laakson LATU)

For more information:

Kimmo Lehtonen, Managing Director, Quattroservices Oy, +358 40 902 1223, kimmo.lehtonen@quattroservices.fi

Project website: www.laaksonyhteissairaala.fi/en/


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