QMG Partners grows – JTL Building Control joins Hausmatic

Hausmatic, a building automation company belonging to QMG Partners, is to acquire the building automation business of JTL Building Control. Four automation engineers and one project manager will join Hausmatic as part of the deal, with a couple of people joining later.
Hausmatic, which focuses on building automation for new homes, has a good order book for the long term. The transaction will bring it new customers and more qualified staff.
– Our business is expanding as automation becomes more important and more technology is used in buildings and homes. Rising energy prices and the green transition will also bring us more work. It’s great to have more building automation professionals on our team,” says Harri Havurinne, Managing Director of Hausmatic.
QMG Partners’ network includes 11 companies providing building technology services in the Helsinki metropolitan area and Uusimaa.
– We are growing both operationally and through acquisitions. Earlier this year QMG Partners got new member companies, when Hausmatic joined us in January. Refrigeration specialist Fincold joined us in March, says Pekka Pöykkö, Managing Director of QMG Partners.
– JTLBC’s principles of respect, trust, accountability, and collaboration fit well with QMG’s culture, so we are looking forward to welcoming the new automation experts,” says Pekka Pöykkö.
A common value base and strong expertise were important factors when JTLBC co-owners Pasi Mattila and Esa Taipale were looking for a new home for their automation experts. After the transaction, they will continue with their other business, industrial electrical and automation design and installation.
– Hausmatic is one of the pioneers in building automation, and Harri and his team are known in the industry as good and responsible operators. For our installers, this is a great step forward professionally, they will have a good development environment,” say Pasi Mattila and Esa Taipale.