Quattroservices Tampere and Movitek Etelä-Suomi merge to create a strong installations company for the housing market

At the turn of the year, QMG merges its Tampere-based subsidiaries Quattroservices Tampere and Movitek Etelä-Suomi. The merger has no effect on the personnel.

– This merger strengthens our business in the long term in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region. With more versatile resources, we will be able to offer even more competitive building engineering contracting for the housing segment, says Mikko Sahikallio, QMG’s Regional Director for Central Finland.

Quattroservices Tampere is a renowned contractor for demanding projects. In recent years, they have been responsible, for example, for the heating and sanitation projects in the Topaasi and Opaali high-rise apartment buildings in central Tampere, as well as the HVAC, cooling and building automation projects in the extensive renovation and conversion project of Pyynikin Trikoo property.

Movitek Etelä-Suomi has implemented energy renewal and HVAC projects for both new and renovated buildings, which range from residential buildings to offices, offices and schools. Their customers include both local construction companies and property owners.

After the merger, the company’s name will be Quattroservices Tampere, and Svantte Vaskikallio will continue as its CEO. Marko Sillman, head of Movitek Etelä-Suomi, has been appointed as the director of Quattroservices Tampere’s heating and sanitation department. In total, Quattroservices Tampere has 45 employees.

Further information:

Mikko Sahikallio, Regional Director, QMG Central Finland, mikko.sahikallio@qmg.fi, +358 50 477 0707

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