Register holder

Quattro Mikenti Group or ”QMG”
Piispantilankuja 2 A, 02240 Espoo, FINLAND

Contact person in privacy statement matters

Sari Stenholm
Piispantilankuja 2 A, 02240 Espoo, FINLAND
Tel.: +358 40 594 1272
Email: sari.stenholm@qmg.fi

QMG is the holder of the processed personal data and is responsible for ensuring that the processing takes place in accordance with the applicable legislation at any given time. The company complies with valid data protection legislation, such as EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Finnish Personal Data Act (523/1999) and electronic communications data protection act (515/2004).

In this privacy statement we will explain how we use the personal data that we obtain or collect.


The processing of personal data requires a customer or service relationship or other comparable relationship with QMG’s operations, an assignment given to QMG by a person or entity, or the implementation of rights and obligations arising from legislation and agreements between QMG and the data subject.

If you contact QMG by phone, letter, e-mail or via web pages, we may also save the correspondence with the potential personal data.

Personal data = All data related to an identified or identifiable natural person (such as name, email, phone number, address)

Registered = natural person whose personal data is processed

We process personal data to fulfill our statutory or other contractual obligations and to fulfill our obligations as an employer and business partner. Data is processed in compliance with data protection legislation and the basic principles defined in the data protection regulation, as well as good data management and processing practices to ensure that no one’s privacy is compromised.

Purpose and basis of data processing

QMG processes your personal data in order to implement the contract between you and the company or to take pre-contractual measures at your request (Article 6.1 b of the EU Data Protection Regulation).

QMG also has a legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data related to information and marketing about QMG and its operations (Article 6.1 f of the EU Data Protection Regulation).

Further, QMG processes your personal data to the extent that the processing is necessary to comply with a statutory or official obligation (Article 6.1 c of the EU Data Protection Regulation).


The processing of personal data is necessary to process job applications and to carry out recruitment in companies belonging to the group (Link to companies

QMG collects personal data from the registered him- or herself, and from service providers performing recruitment and/or personal evaluation. QMG collects personal data as part of the application process for open vacancies. In addition to this, QMG collects general job applications sent via registered websites or by email.

During the recruitment process, QMG may request consent from the registered person for a personal and suitability assessment or a security clearance.

Data storage and processing

QMG will process your personal data related to signed contracts during their validity period and for as long as it is required to fulfill all the obligations of the contract you entered into with QMG.

QMG keeps the information that it is obliged to keep according to the legislation or the official decision, and for as long as the legislation or the official decision requires it (such as accounting material).

QMG may retain contact information for marketing and communications purposes. Such information is usually kept for a maximum of two years from the date of its transfer.

Job application information is stored at QMG Group for six (6) months after the application is made and it can also be processed for the selection of other possible jobs, unless the applicant has informed the register holder that the application may be processed only for a specific position or has otherwise requested the processing to be stopped. If the person is selected for the position, the data can be stored longer. If necessary, data can be stored for a longer period also to fulfill a legal obligation, such as equality, or to demonstrate its proper implementation.

We will delete the data upon request.

Disclosures and transfers of information

QMG may hand over personal data to personal data processors in connection with data storage and the maintenance of our systems. Personal data processors can also read, organize and transfer personal data according to QMG’s instructions.

Personal data can be transferred or handed over to fulfill an order made by the registered, or with the consent of the registered, also to temporary registers such as contact or research registers.

When necessary, QMG transfers the personal data of the registered to the service providers implementing the recruitment system and performing personal evaluations. They process personal data on behalf of QMG.

The information in the above-mentioned registers is processed only for the purposes of use of each register, in a separately informed manner.

As a general rule, QMG does not transfer or disclose personal data outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. However, if necessary, data can be transferred or disclosed outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, if the data subject has given his consent. Data may be transferred outside the EU if the data centers hosting the communication tools, website platforms or cloud services that essentially support the operation are located, for example, in the United States.

Right of verification

In accordance with current legislation, you have the right to verify what data QMG has stored. The verification request is made by submitting a written and signed request to the contact person mentioned in section 2 and proving the identity in a reliable way.

The request will be answered within the time stipulated in the EU data protection regulation (generally within one (1) month). If the information requests are obviously unfounded or unreasonable, especially if they are presented repeatedly, the resulting administrative costs may be charged for responding to the information requests and their implementation.

You have the right to request correction, deletion or restriction of processing of your personal data. You also have the right to object to a certain type of processing of your personal data and to withdraw the given consent to their use. You can withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time by contacting QMG’s contact person either by mail or e-mail.


QMG processes your personal data in a way that meets the principles of Article 5 of the EU Data Protection Regulation. Further, QMG processes your personal data in a way that guarantees appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access to personal data or illegal processing and from loss, destruction or accidental damage.

QMG uses secure servers to process your personal data and restricts access to personal data within the organization. The right to access personal data is granted only to persons who work in the organization or in the service of the personal data processor and its sub-processors, and only so that they could perform their duties.

Changes in the privacy statement

QMG varaa pidättää oikeuden muuttaa tietosuojaselostetta tarpeen mukaan, kuten lakeihin ja asetuksiin tehtävien muutosten noudattamiseksi. Muutettu tietosuojaseloste julkaistaan verkkosivuilla. Mikäli teemme tähän tietosuojatiedotteeseen muutoksia, emme ilmoita jokaisesta päivityksestä erikseen käyttäjille.

QMG reserves the right to change the privacy statement when it is necessary, for example, to comply with changes in law and regulations. The amended privacy statement will be published on the website. If we make changes to this privacy statement, we will not notify users of each update separately.