Oiva Loukkojärvi nominated as Managing Director at Movitek

Oiva Loukkojärvi, who has around 40 years of experience in HVAC contracting, has been appointed as Managing Director of Movitek as of 2 May 2023. During his career, he has also worked as an entrepreneur and in addition to Movitek, project manager at Are and Caverion.
– Oiva is familiar with the building engineering industry in Northern Finland. He has been an HVAC project manager at Movitek from 2014 to 2021 and a site manager from autumn 2022. During those years, Oiva has managed several important projects, including the HVAC contract for the Valkea shopping centre in Oulu. Now he continues developing Movitek after more than a year with Jukka Kivimäki. The replacement was already planned when Jukka started, says Heikki Kiiskilä, Regional Director in Northern Finland at QMG.
Oiva Loukkojärvi sees the building engineering market in Oulu and the surrounding areas as being in good shape, even though residential construction has slowed down.
– I’m happy to take on the job, and we have a committed team in the company. Our focus is on delivering projects to a high standard. We have building engineering investments in the pipeline in both industrial and commercial construction, says Oiva Loukkojärvi.
A year-long reform project
In 2021, Movitek’s profitability deteriorated due to the challenges of the Covid-19 era and changes in the company’s management. QMG then appointed Jukka Kivimäki to reform the company.
– We saw that Movitek would thrive in the Oulu region if we reformed the company. As a long-time QMG active and shareholder, Jukka Kivimäki was chosen to turn Movitek around. We thank Jukka warmly for the project that renewed the company. One of QMG’s strengths is that we have experienced management professionals for these special tasks, says Heikki Kiiskilä.
Jukka Kivimäki will continue with the company until the summer and will remain a shareholder of QMG’s parent company Nimlas Group.
– Heikki invited me to become interim Managing Director more than a year ago. My task was to streamline operations, improve cost efficiency and hire good people for the building, as well as recruit a professional HVAC professional as the Managing Director. Now is a good time to pass the baton to Oiva, says Jukka Kivimäki with satisfaction.
Movitek provides building engineering contracting and maintenance throughout Northern Finland. The company employs 43 people. In addition to Movitek, QMG has six other companies in Northern Finland – HVAC contractors Kokkolan LVIS-Palvelu and Tornion Ilmastointitekniikka, electrical contractors Mesiel and Paikallis-Sähkö and VirtaWorks, and security technology specialist Capcon.
For more information, please contact:
Heikki Kiiskilä, QMG, Regional Director in Northern Finland and Managing Director of Kokkolan LVIS-Palvelu, heikki.kiiskila@qmg.fi, +358 40 486 2358
Oiva Loukkojärvi, Managing Director from 2 May, Movitek Oy, oiva.loukkojarvi@movitek.fi, +358 400 351450
Jukka Kivimäki, Managing Director until 2 May, Movitek Oy, jukka.kivimaki@qmg.fi, +358 40 519 5776