LVI-Trio focuses on technical property services and divests its piping repair business

LVI-Trio streamlines its operations according to QMG’s strategy. In the future the company will focus on HVAC maintenance and services.

As a result, the piping repair business falls outside the company’s strategy. Projects carried out for housing companies as main contractor have been divested on 31 October.

QMG consists of more than 40 subsidiaries offering installations and technical property services. 14 subsidiaries operate in the capital region as QMG Partners. LVI-Trio has been a member of the network since 2020. The company’s turnover in 2022 was 29.2 million euros, and it has around 180 employees. Piping renovations account for around a third of the revenue and 50 people.

Updated strategy and new management group

LVI-Trio will focus on HVAC maintenance services and service contracting. Janne Louho continues as business director of ventilation maintenance, Kosti Kerve as business director of heating and sanitation maintenance and Matti Eskola as business director of service contracting. Pekka Pöykkö, who is also CEO of QMG Partners, will continue as CEO of LVI-Trio.

The change has no impact on the personnel of IV maintenance, HVAC maintenance and HVAC service contracting.

– LVI-Trio is a strong player in the capital region as a long-term partner of large real estate owners. Furthermore, we offer a wide range of services through QMG Partners if necessary – in addition to HVAC, we are a major provider of electrical contracting, building automation, cooling and refrigeration as well as security technology, Pekka Pöykkö says.

– Our goal is to grow LVI-Trio’s service business with new contracts, and acquisitions are not excluded either. LVI-Trio will continue to operate under its current name and is responsible for all the company’s service contracts, Pekka Pöykkö adds.

Further information:

Pekka Pöykkö, CEO, QMG Partners Oy and LVI-Trio Oy, +358 50 432 4822,

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