QMG acquires LVI-Aitta, the leading HVAC company in Kainuu, Finland

Building services group QMG buys LVI-Aitta, the leading HVAC company in Kainuu, Finland. The company’s offices will remain in Kajaani and Sotkamo, and all staff will continue in the company’s service. The acquisition complements QMG’s strong network in Northern Finland.

LVI-Aitta is known in Kainuu as a long-term and reliable contractor and service partner. The company was founded in 1973 by Tauno Hälinen and Toivo Simanainen. The generation change took place in the late 1990s, and since then Ville Hälinen has been at the helm. Among the young installers at LVI-Aitta, you can already find the third generation of the Hälinen family.

– Longevity is important to us, so it was the buyer’s way of approaching business that settled our decision to join. QMG’s culture of local business seemed the most suitable for us. We have also noted the good performance of Paikallis-Sähkö in Kajaani within the group, says Ville Hälinen, Managing Director of LVI-Aitta.

LVI-Aitta’s turnover in 2022 was EUR 7.1 million and it employs a total of 40 building services professionals. The acquisition will have no impact on personnel, as all employees will remain in their jobs.

Managing Director Ville Hälinen, Office Manager Paula Oittinen and Head of Work Mika Juntunen will join QMG’s parent company Nimlas Group as shareholders.

QMG already has ten companies in Northern Finland

QMG already owns the electricity contractor Paikallis-Sähkö and the security technology company Capcon in Kainuu. LVI-Aitta will significantly expand QMG’s activities in the region. Last week, QMG announced the acquisition of PetenPutki Oy in Kokkola through a business transaction.

Other group companies in Northern Finland include Tornion Ilmastointitekniikka, Movitek, Kokkolan LVIS-Palvelu, Mesiel, ORS Service, Tammi Kiinteistötekniikka and Automaatio T&N. In addition, many of the companies have been complemented by business acquisitions.

– It is great to have the qualified team of LVI-Aitta in our ranks. We have done well in Kainuu, and now our offer is becoming more diversified. We are gaining HVAC professionals with strong skills, says Heikki Kiiskilä, QMG’s Regional Director for Northern Finland.

LVI-Aitta is investing in its range of services and staff training

– Kainuu is a bustling market for building services, and to succeed here you need to master a wide range of services. Our customers include major industrial companies, property owners, local entrepreneurs and households. We have consistently invested in both technology and staff training, says Ville Hälinen.

– QMG supports LVI-Aitta’s operations with strategic management and procurement and system contracts, among other things. The career opportunities and employment benefits offered by the QMG Group are an attractive addition for our staff, Ville Hälinen continues.

Photo: Next to Heikki Kiiskilä is Paula Oittinen, Office Manager of LVI-Aitta, and Ville Hälinen, Managing Director (right).

For more information:

Heikki Kiiskilä, Regional Director, QMG Northern Finland, +358 40 486 2358, heikki.kiiskila@qmg.fi

Ville Hälinen, Managing Director, LVI-Aitta Oy, +358 10 837 3101, ville.halinen@lviaitta.fi.

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