Vesa-Pekka Vuopio appointed QMG’s Director of Sustainability and Sourcing

QMG strengthens its management team by appointing M.Sc. (Eng.) Vesa-Pekka (Vesa) Vuopio its Director of Sustainability and Sourcing as of January 15, 2024. Vuopio comes to QMG from Finland’s leading technical wholesaler Onninen, where he has been most recently working as product line director of electrical categories.

Vesa Vuopio has more than 20 years of experience in export projects, manufacturing industry, technical wholesale procurement and sales in Finland and abroad. He has studied construction technology, industrial engineering and management as well as leadership, but he says that great jobs have been the ultimate university.

– The years at work have given me a versatile picture of industrial and construction sector as well as sustainability, because Onninen and its mother company Kesko are internationally renowned in it, says Vesa Vuopio.

Sustainability must be at your strategy’s core

– In the installations and construction businesses we have plenty of opportunities to reduce environmental impact – both when it comes to product selection and capabilities. The key solutions include energy efficiency, sustainable material choices as well as intelligent properties. Another important area is renovation, because carbon footprint of old properties is effectively reduced with the help of new technologies, Vesa Vuopio states.

– Sustainability work is real when it is part of your company’s strategy. QMG has an appropriate sustainability policy in all areas of ESG – and solutions such as a wide range of energy efficiency solutions that promote the green transition, he adds.

QMG’s goal is to help customers reach their sustainability goals. With its partners, the group is delivering electric vehicle charging infrastructure, solar electricity and heat recovery services, among others.

QMG’s culture caught Vesa’s attention

– I have recognised QMG’s steps forward and noted the special characteristics of the group – strong local responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit and the Nordic approach. In addition, several well-known companies have joined it through acquisitions in recent years, Vesa Vuopio says.

Kimmo Liukkonen, CEO of QMG, is pleased to see the strong sustainability and sourcing joining the group’s management team.

– I welcome Vesa to the company, and at the same time I want to thank warmly Matti Ranne for his invaluable work in the management team. He has built a strong foundation for QMG’s sustainability program, and he has aligned it in accordance with Nimlas Group’s principles, says Liukkonen.

Vesa Vuopio will start in his position by January 15, 2024. He will also join the ownership program of QMG’s parent company Nimlas Group.

Further information:

Kimmo Liukkonen, QMG, Group CEO,, +358 50 347 8997

Vesa Vuopio, QMG, Director of Sustainability and Sourcing, (as of 15.1.2024), +358 40 741 0341

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