Quattroservices has signed a contract for the southern part of the main building of the Laakso Joint Hospital

Havainnekuva Laakson yhteissairaalasta

Laakson sairaala-alue ja sen lähiympäristö kuvattuna Urheilukadun pohjoispäästä vuonna 2030. Havainnekuva: Laakson LATU.

The installations subcontracting alliance involves three partners, and Quattroservices, as one of the project’s technical partners, is responsible for the HVAC, sprinkler, and electrical work. Quattroservices is the largest subsidiary of QMG.

The Laakso Joint Hospital project is divided into several subprojects and contracts. The recently signed contract for the southern section follows the northern section project, where installation work is currently ongoing. The southern section covers 40,000 gross square meters, and Quattroservices’ share of the related installations subcontract is approximately 19 million euros. The total size of the main building is about 95,000 gross square meters, and it is scheduled to be completed by 2027. The building services work for the main building represents a 47 million euro project for Quattroservices.

Construction in Ohkola has started

As part of the Laakso Joint Hospital project, a new forensic psychiatry hospital building is being built in Ohkola, Mäntsälä. Construction began in the summer of 2024 and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2026. Quattroservices is responsible for the HVAC and sprinkler work in Ohkola, valued at approximately 5.5 million euros.

Quattroservices involved in ongoing hospital and office building projects

Quattroservices CEO Kimmo Lehtonen is pleased with the company’s order backlog.

“The installation work for the Laakso Joint Hospital project has gained momentum. In the Jorvi Uusio alliance, we are also carrying out electrical installations with a team of 50 professionals. The installations there will continue until the end of next year. In addition to hospital projects, we are currently working on many interesting office building projects.”

Photo: Laakso Hospital area and its surroundings, as seen from the north end of Urheilukatu in 2030. Illustration: Laakso LATU.

More information: Kimmo Lehtonen, CEO, Quattroservices Oy, +358 40 902 1223, kimmo.lehtonen@quattroservices.fi

Project website: https://laaksonyhteissairaala.fi/en/

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