QMG acquires the energy efficiency group Cervius

QMG grows its service business with the acquisition of Cervius, which includes Cervius Oy, Cervius Group Oy and GreenValue Oy. Cervius, operating in Turku, Vantaa and Oulu is one of the leading providers of energy efficiency services for the Finnish real estate sector.

The background of the deal is the need of the largest property owners to manage energy efficiency in their properties. The climate and energy efficiency requirements for buildings set by the EU guide the development of the building technology industry.

Technical property services and renovation services make up two thirds of QMG’s business. In accordance with the strategy Nimlas Group, the acquisition of Cervius continues to build up the service offering.

– The value of the installation and servie market in Finland is around 8.5 billion euros. Of that, a bit under 3 billion are maintenance and repair services. This three-billion business is shared by only a few large national players. Now QMG will join them by buying Cervius, which has developed a unique set of services for large property owners, says Pekka Pöykkö, CEO of the service network QMG Partners.

Cervius combines energy efficiency, automation and technical property services

Cervius was founded in 2016. The founder, director Tapio Ulvinen, recognized the growing needs of customers in maintenance and daily management of building automation systems, which they needed in order to achieve energy efficiency goals. Ulvinen has developed the concept together with Petri Rantapaju, current CEO of Cervius. Through Petri’s know-how and experience, technical property services were added to Cervius’ portfolio.

– Cervius’ operating method is to listen to the needs and wishes of property owners and property managers, and to help them maintain conditions so that the goals set for conditions, energy efficiency and operating costs are met. Requirements for improving energy efficiency are getting stricter and responsible property owners are responding to them, Petri Rantapaju states.

– We wanted to create an agile and customer-oriented service model, where the customer can easily improve the property’s energy efficiency, Rantapaju adds.

Cervius’ energy efficiency services include planning, advising and consulting, as well as remote monitoring. With the Greenvalvomo monitoring concept, the energy consumption and technical properties of properties are managed remotely.

Cervius’ customers include the Finnish Parliament, the City of Oulu, SOK and Bauhaus, among others. In total, they have more than 700 service and energy efficiency contracts.

QMG is expanding its service business with energy efficiency

– We are happy that Cervius is joining the QMG family. There are no other independent energy efficiency operators with such a wide range of services in Finland, Pekka Pöykkö continues.

– For QMG, the Cervius deal means three things – a bolder offering for large property owners, a significant foothold in the Turku region, and a consistent shift of focus towards service business. As part of the same strategy, we divested LVI-Trio’s main contractor-responsible pipe repair operations in October, Pöykkö adds.

Photo: fron left Tapio Ulvinen, Petri Rantapaju and Pekka Pöykkö (QMG).

For more information:

Pekka Pöykkö, CEO, QMG Partners Oy, pekka.poykko@qmg.fi,+358 50 432 4822

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