Kalle Hentunen appointed as CEO of Quattroservices Kaakkois-Suomi

Kalle Hentunen

Petri Veikkanen, who has been leading Quattroservices Kaakkois-Suomi for long, is at his own request moving to the position of director focusing on customers and procurement. Electrical and automation engineer Kalle Hentunen has been appointed as the new managing director as of January 1, 2024.

Quattroservices Kaakkois-Suomi is one of the main electrical contractors in South Karelia and Kymenlaakso regions. The company employs 35 electricians and six white-collar workers. Most of the jobs are located in Lappeenranta and Kotka, as well as in Kouvola and Imatra. Interesting and current projects include the Kajuutta property in Kotka, which consists of student apartments and a grocery store, and the renovation of the A-tower of the South Karelia Central Hospital in Lappeenranta.

– This change does not change our way of working – we will continue on the path laid out by Petri. We focus on electrical contracting for residential apartment buildings and public sector buildings. In addition, we have several electricity maintenance contracts with, for example, the city of Lappeenranta, Hentunen says.

A sportsman from Lappeenranta who is enthusiastic about electrical contracting

Kalle Hentunen has worked for the company for three years. During this time, he has found out that electrical contracting is his field.

– I have fifteen years behind me in the electrical industry, and some of them also as an installer. Moreover, I have some experience also from an engineering company. Three years ago, Petri asked me to join Quattroservices, and I soon realized that contracting and managing projects is my line of work, he states.

Kalle tells that his hobbies are running and versatile exercise, as well as motorcycling. Living in the landscapes of the magnificent Saimaa lake, he also enjoys fishing and boating.

Petri supports with experience and networks

Petri Veikkanen plans to continue in the company for a few years with the title of director. A man who knows the industry and the region well has many strengths.

– This is a good moment to change responsibilities. Personally, I wanted to slow down the pace a little bit, and Kalle is a skilled and inspiring leader who will take the company to the next stage. I will support him with my experience and my networks, so the change will definitely go well, Petri says.

To the question of how to succeed in electrical contracting, Petri has a clear answer – you have to compete for exactly the right projects.

– You have to find the jobs on the market that suit your particular strengths. Another moment of truth is cost accounting – knowing how to do it is a skill of its own. High-quality installation work then completes the performance, he underlines.

For more information:

Mikko Sahikallio, Area Director, QMG Central Finland, mikko.sahikallio@qmg.fi, +358 50 477 0707


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