Tiina Koppinen has been appointed as CEO of QMG as of 1 March

M.Sc. (Eng.), MBA Tiina Koppinen will start as the new CEO of QMG and a member of Nimlas Group’s leadership team on March 1, 2024. Kimmo Liukkonen, who has been leading the company since 2015, will continue working as a board professional and on special assignments of the board of QMG.

Kimmo Liukkonen, CEO of QMG, is leaving his position at his own request, and Tiina Koppinen has been appointed as his successor as of March 1, 2024. She currently works at Skanska as Executive Vice President being responsible for Eastern and Northern Finland regional units, business development, strategy process, and project development at Skanska Oy.

Tiina Koppinen’s 16-year career at Skanska has included an impressive range of tasks from business management and development to project management and building information modeling, among others.

– I find it really exciting to switch to the world of installation projects and services. I have followed this industry closely, because it is a key partner for builders. With installations and services, we help our customers achieve their environmental and energy efficiency goals. Modern and smart buildings require technology, and in renovation projects, installations and services create better energy efficiency and user comfort. QMG has become one of the leading companies in this field in Finland – and with a strong local presence. What is more, joining Nimlas Group made it part of a Nordic player, Tiina Koppinen states.

Kimmo Liukkonen is planning to take a short break after he hands over the leadership to Tiina, and he is then focusing on his board duties as well as special assignments from QMG’s board, such as acquisitions. He says that QMG’s story is now at a good stage. The nine-year project as CEO has included many interesting moments.

– My task was to grow the company quickly towards a change of ownership. In terms of turnover, QMG has grown from 60 million to 250 million euros. We have made circa 50 acquisitions and business deals. Adelis became the main owner in 2017 and KLAR Partners in 2021, and these changes have taken us towards the cutting edge of our industry. About 240 Finns belong to Nimlas Group’s personnel shareholders, Kimmo Liukkonen sums up.

QMG is moving forward according to its strategy

– I am very happy that Tiina will join Nimlas and succeed Kimmo now that he has decided to step down as CEO of QMG, the Finnish operations of Nimlas. Tiina is a very appreciated and skilled manager with a strong track record. Her open approach and communication skills matched with great analytical capability represents a good foundation for leading QMG in the coming years, says Mikael Matts, CEO of Nimlas Group.

– I also want to appreciate QMG’s achievements, where Kimmo contribution has been decisive. It has been a great joy working with Kimmo. He has an outstanding knowledge about the installations business – from small details to the big picture – and an incredible network. My biggest take away, though, is how he leads the organization by his big heart, positive attitude, and friendly approach. Having Kimmo in Nimlas Leadership Team and seeing him interacting with our regional managers and local managing directors has been a true pleasure. Thank you, Kimmo, and the best of luck in the next stage of your career, Mikael concludes.

Photo: Tiina Koppinen and Kimmo Liukkonen (Photographer Mari Waegelein)

Further information:

Mikael Matts, Nimlas Group, CEO, mikael.matts@nimlasgroup.com, +46 76 850 16 03

Kimmo Liukkonen, QMG, CEO (until March 1, 2024), kimmo.liukkonen@qmg.fi, +358 50 347 8997

Tiina Koppinen, QMG, CEO (as of March 1, 2024), +358 40 350 2225

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